Lilly Porter Fine Jewelry accommodates clients intending on acquiring jewelry of the highest quality. By securing relationships with suppliers available only to the finest jewelry houses in the world, We are able to offer superlative quality with pricing structures discerning clients will find highly attractive.
Unlike Traditional retail jewelers, Lilly Porter Fine Jewelry allows greater flexibility for clients to discover the jewels and designs that inspire them. Bespoke Jewelry is our passion.
That level of quality coupled with a complete dedication to our clientele is the hallmark of our business. It all comes down to one thing—the client. We fortunate to work with the world's finest craftsmen, designers, and gemologists but we never forget that our clients are the people who make that possible. Being a private jeweler is a privilege that we enjoy daily.
Alex & Bess McLean

We are by appointment, it is our goal to make sure that you have a good experience while you are here.